Devil May Cry 5 and Resident 2 Remake Domain Names Registered and Possibly Announced at E3 2018!

– By Jack Truong

Recently, there were leaks releasing new information that Capcom has registered the domain names for Devil May Cry 5 (DMC5) and Resident Evil 2 Remake  (RE2R), by ResetEra. RE2R was no surprise as news of the game’s development started back in August 2015. However, it’s surprising to see DMC5 on the domain list because as there has been no news about the original DMC in over a decade. Besides HD remasters and special editions, as well as the reboot. The last original DMC title in the entry was released was DMC4, which was back in January 31, 2008.


Online forums and comments on social media speculations that E3 – the biggest video gaming expo in the U.S – would be announcing DMC5, along with the gameplay and release date of RE2R, next week.

What we can hope from Capcom at E3 besides the official announcements and information regarding DMC5 and RE2R, but more so, a continuation of the story in DMC5. In the DMC series, DMC2 is where the story is last left off. In DM3 and DMC4, the stories were before and after DMC1, which fills the timeline in the middle that gives the player a background of the characters’ history. We can hope that the game continues the story plot after DMC2, if they announce DMC5, as it highly requested by the community after waiting for DMC5 for a long time.

– Image from


For RE2R, there are  rumors back in January 2018, that the gameplay of RE2R would be over-the-shoulder, and the game would be much longer game than the original RE2. Honestly, it’s hard to trust a rumor, especially on the internet, so hopefully Capcom’s possible announcement and gameplay reveal of RE2R will clear the air. One rumor we can possibly believe to be true is RE2R being longer than the original because they could add in Hunk and Ada’s story in the game which wasn’t present in the original. Also, the possibility of VR as there is a documented E3 schedule – not for certain – of PSVR, which is PlayStation’s Virtual Reality.

– Leaked image of the E3 documented press conference announcements  
– Image of the producer, Hirabayashi a.k.a “H,” special message of Resident Evil 2 Remake